Wednesday, March 07, 2007


In the second of our extracts from articles for the forthcoming IMPACT e-zine, Paul Burgin looks at both sides of the argument on gay rights in the church in his article 'A Whiff of Hypocrisy':

"Liberals are angry because they feel hurt at what they see as the actions of a few bigots who have an unsophisticated view of scripture and using it to give vent to prejudice - either that or they are blind. On the other hand, evangelicals are distressed at what they see as the actions of people who are flouting Biblical teaching and trying to twist the Bible around to suit their lifestyle or the lifestyle of their friends. No one is prepared to listen to each other, or consider each others views, and some extremists on both sides see this as an opportunity to ‘purify’ the Church and wish to see an inconvenient group of people leave."

You can read the full article in the March edition of IMPACT, which will be distributed to those on the CPF e-mailing list on Monday 12th March. It is free to add your name to the mailing list and you can do this by emailing us at Please put 'CPF' in the title of the email.

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