Thursday, February 14, 2008

Rowan Williams - The Aftermath

There has been a bit of a storm lately concerning Rowan Williams's comments about Sharia Law. Whatever the rights and wrongs of those comments, it does raise some interesting points.
Firstly, does the Archbishop of Canterbury need to have a rethink about any press releases and the like regarding public pronouncements he has made and how they can be interpreted?
Secondly, Do we pray for our Church leaders? Sounds a bit twee, but sometimes some Christians (and we include ourselves here, although not towards Rowan Williams) can be theologically hostile towards their leaders, and/or to other Church leaders, where they neglect to pray for them!
Thirdly, how can we be supportive of our leaders in a way which helps prevent such situations in future.

This isn't necessarily condoning or criticising what Rowan Williams as said, but as Christians we should help build each other up and that means making sure such situations, when they arise, are contained

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