Who Would Jesus Vote For?
Via GodTube and GoVote.com, I posted this on my blog some days ago. Some of the comments do tend to simplify Biblical statements which are complex but the conclusions are worth seriously considering.
Paul Burgin (Jt CPF Co'Ordinator)
Labels: GoVote.com, Presidential elections, United States
This video takes the Bible out of context and tries to apply it to issues and does a bad job. yes, Democrats as a whole are for abortion, gay rights, no prayer in school, all are wrong. You use a passage to prove the preemptive war in Iraq wrong, there are other passages that support the war. THe 2nd Ammendment gives us the right to carry, gun control i not going to stop those who will "draw a sword" against someone else, it will only limit other people's right. Also, Jesus does say give your money to the poor. that is not the governments right to take peoples money for this reason. This should be an individual thing that people do becasue they want to. Some things the Democrats, as a whole, agree on are morally wrong. And somethings that this video has tried to prove wrong are purely opinion. And As a Christian I do look to my leaders like Dr. James Dobson for his opinion.
We need to realize that neither side of this "one dimensional" political spectrum is on God's side. However, it is clearly Biblical to seek to promote candidates who will act righteously. Righteousness exalts any nation that practices it. So, how can we elect a righteous candidate? Jesus advises us to look at the fruit of their lives--"By their fruit you ill know them." In applying this criteria to this election year, I have decided to support Ron Paul for president, although I do not support all of his positions.
He supports life at all stages. He has shown amazing personal integrity and consistency in 20 years as a congressman. He also opposes the Iraq war on Christian grounds.
He supports a Christian monetary policy that is sustainable and not based on obscene credit and interest. (See God's curses against those whose wealth is based on loans and interest in Habbakuk 2). He is a Christian who does not use faith as a selling point. I think he is the most Christian candidate: decide for yourself at www.ronpaul2008.com or at www.christiansforronpaul.com.
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