Getting One's Priorities Right!
Last night on Question Time the former Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, joked about missing the House of Lords vote on the new casino law proposals. Yesterday’s vote in the Lords went against the Government’s proposals for a new Super Casino and several other large casinos across the UK by only 3 three votes. Considering such a tight margin in the Lords, Carey was asked how he had voted but said that he had not been in the Lords at the time of the vote. When questioned further about why he was not in the Lords at the time Carey said that he was watching the film Amazing Grace. Meanwhile, Carey’s successor, Archbishop Rowan Williams, had been standing up in the Lords speaking out against the casino proposals, specifically on the tenuous link between casinos and regeneration. Although the film about William Wilberforce is probably worth a watch it’s a pretty poor reflection of Careys priorities, particularly as he was speaking against casinos on Question Time and has been given the opportunity and responsibility to vote in the Lords. This could raise further questions by those who believe that there should not be non-elected bishops in the House of Lords and even disestablishment.
Aidan Liriano, CPF Co'Ordinator
Labels: Gambling, George Carey, House of Lords, Rowan Williams, Slavery